Jan. 31, 2019
Do you want to tap into and grow your leadership potential?
The second annual Student Leadership Conference, which takes place from 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 9, provides students and community members the opportunity to boost their resume, get Pathways credits, earn scholarship and volunteer hours and demonstrate or expand their professional competencies and be more prepared for any job.
The conference will include: world-famous Latina mountain climber Karla Wheelock as the keynote speaker; NAU alumna and former Navy Vice Admiral Robin Braun as the featured speaker; seven program tracks that focus on identifying and articulating professional competencies needed to prepare individuals for the workplace; and more than 25 workshops, panels, presentations and roundtable discussions on everything leadership.
The conference is open to the public and costs $5 for NAU- and CCC-affiliated students and community members, and $40 for non-affiliates. The cost includes breakfast, lunch and a 2019 Student Leadership Conference T-shirt.*
To register or find out more information, visit the Student Leadership Conference website.