In the Spotlight: Feb. 21-25

Kudos to these faculty, staff, students and programs

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  • Ayşegül Acar, a visiting scholar at the School of Hotel and Restaurant Management from Karabuk University in Turkey, presented at the West Federation Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (WFCHRIE) Conference on Feb. 12. She discussed her research on the Bloomberg Terminal.
  • Steve Tegler, professor in the Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science, was awarded $50,000 from the NAU/TRIF/REAP program to bring the thin film station in the Astrophysical Materials Lab online. Mark Salvatore, associate professor of the Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science, was awarded $20,000 from the NAU/TRIF/S-REAP program to build the Planetary Environmental Research Chamber (PERCh).
  • Undergraduate student Beau Prince and Mark Loeffler, associate professor in the Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science, recently authored an article titled “A possible explanation for the blue spectral slope observed on B-type asteroids.” This article shows that the blue spectral slope on these types of asteroids could simply be a consequence of the presence of micron-size dark material that will be mixed in the surface regolith.
  • Lucas McClure, a Ph.D. student in astronomy, is the primary author of two recently published articles. The papers reassess calibrations for determining asteroid mineralogy from spectra, then applies new calibrations to archives spectra of S-complex asteroids.
NAU Communications