Submit a Story

Complete the form below to send us your story ideas, spotlight items, announcements and other news—your tip should have a news angle to be considered for publication.

The template below provides a basic outline to help you write a concise announcement for the campus community. Follow these guidelines when submitting your tip to The NAU Review and allow one to two weeks prior to an event for items to be considered for inclusion. Readers will be directed to the contact listed in the release for more information.

If you have a photo you would like to include with your tip, you may upload it below (up to 4 MB) or email it to

We also encourage you to submit your events to the NAU Events Calendar and social media.

Questions? Send us an e-mail.

  • Name * Required
  • Please include full names, titles and departments of people mentioned.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png.