In the Spotlight: Feb. 21, 2020

Kudos to these faculty, staff and programs

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  • Online Schools Report ranked Northern Arizona University on its list of Best Online Humanities Degrees for 2020. Rankings were based on data that prioritized the school’s ability to deliver an online education comparable to an on-campus degree.
  • Assistant professor of art Jaewook Lee, along with the Center for International Education, hosted a Korean student group at NAU earlier this month. The group was accompanied by Charlie Hahn, professor in the video and animation department at Keimyung University in South Korea. Students shared artwork with the NAU installation art class and presented their experience at NAU and in Flagstaff in the form of a performance at the International Pavilion.
  • NAU partnered with Rio Salado College and the Phoenix Police Department to provide students from Washington High School’s law enforcement program with a hands-on look at the training and college degree requirements to work in law enforcement.
  • Lancaster Leadership awarded NAU with the February 2020 Cultivating Leadership Business Award for its commitment to developing its departments and teams of employees.
  • Adjunct faculty member Will Grundy is an author on three recent articles about New Horizons’ flyby target (486958) Arrokoth. They are, “The geology and geophysics of Kuiper Belt object (486958) Arrokoth,” “The solar nebula origin of (486958) Arrokoth, a primordial contact binary in the Kuiper Belt” and “Color, composition, and thermal environment of Kuiper Belt object (486958) Arrokoth.”
  • David Trilling, professor of astronomy and planetary sciences, is listed as an author on the article “The geology and geophysics of Kuiper Belt object (486958) Arrokoth.” He also presented at the Spitzer Legacy conference at Caltech. The conference celebrated the end of the Spitzer mission after 17 years, and Trilling reported on observations of Earth’s asteroids.
  • Postdoctoral scholar Jennifer Buz presented at the ASU Desert Attunement Symposium. The symposium explores imperatives the desert gives to those that dwell within it and what it means to develop a lifestyle that is in harmony with our desert surroundings.
  • Several faculty and staff of the astronomy and planetary sciences department were involved in events associated with the 90th anniversary of Pluto’s discovery at Lowell Observatory.
    • Professor Nadine Barlow, associate professor Mark Loeffler, Buz and Grundy gave a tour of the department and PEAXS, Astrophysical Ice and Mars Rover Operations labs to 55 visitors as part of the VIP Pluto Experience of the I Heart Pluto Festival.
    • Barlow gave the NAU welcome at the Pluto’s 90th Anniversary Celebration event at the Cline Library Assembly Hall.
    • Professor Steve Tegler spoke about the Ice Lab activities at the Pluto Discovery Day event at the Orpheum Theater.