In the Spotlight: Dec. 12-16, 2022

Kudos to these faculty, staff, students and programs 

Do you have a spotlight item to share with the NAU community? 

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  • Lisa Hardy, professor within the Department of Anthropology, published a new book titled, “Community Engagement Through Collaborative Writing, Storytelling Together.” This book is designed to support scholars and communities storytelling together to reach multiple audiences and facilitate social change. The book, which includes instruments for working together across divides toward a common goal of telling stories together, uses real experiences to guide individuals and groups through a process of identifying their knowledge and sharing it through different genres. 
  • Mathematics senior Heather Vogler was awarded one of 10 Undergraduate Opportunity Awards from the American Mathematical Society (AMS). This award is worth $3,000 and is designed to assist students who have declared a major in mathematics at a college or university that is an institutional member of the AMS. 
  • Fourth year doctoral candidate and Achievement Rewards for College Scientist (ARCS) Foundation scholar Alejandro Grajal-Puche was recently awarded the Graduate Student Research Award from the Society of Conservation Biology. Grajal-Puche was also featured in the Society of Conservation Biology’s newsletter. 
  • Sara Rinfret, professor of politics and international affairs, and coauthor Michells Pautz, will have their new book, “US Environmental Policy in Action,” published in January. This book provides a comprehensive look at the creation, implementation and evaluation of environmental policy, which is of particular importance in our current era of congressional gridlock, partisanship and polarization and escalating debates about federal and state relations. With a continued focus on the front lines of environmental policy, Rinfret and Pautz consider the major changes in the practice of U.S. environmental policy during the Trump and Biden administrations. Providing real-life examples of how environmental policy works rather than solely discussing how congressional action produces environmental laws, this third edition of “US Environmental Policy in Action” offers a practical approach to understanding contemporary American environmental policy. Rinfret’s book is now available for preorder.
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