In the Spotlight: April 3, 2020
Kudos to these faculty, staff and programs
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- Northern Arizona University and several programs have been ranked by several different organizations.
- Affordable Schools ranked NAU No. 2 on its 9 Most Affordable Online Colleges in Arizona The online degrees offered, course accreditation and average in-state attendance costs were taken into consideration.
- Best Choice Schools identified Flagstaff on its list of 30 Small College Towns with Great Quality of Life. Criteria was based on student-to-resident ratio, overall livability, cultural offerings, university presence, employment opportunities and populations of less than 100,000 people.
- Applied Behavior Analysis ranked NAU No. 26 on its list of 40 Best Applied Behavior Analysis Graduate Certificate Online Programs. The program focus is positive behavior support and uses applied behavior analysis to study and improve human behavior.
- Online College Plan ranked NAU No. 15 on its 30 Online Bachelor’s In Criminal Justice The program is a close-knit approach to education and offers an emphasis in criminal justice administration or intelligence studies.
- Nursing School Hub ranked NAU No. 2 on its list of 10 Best Nursing Programs in Arizona. The program offers several different pathways for nurses to advance their careers, ranging from entry-level to established nurses.
- Anthropology instructor Samantha Clifford published a chapter entitled, “Pedagogical Opportunities to Foster Interaction and Deep Understanding Between International and Domestic University Students: Teaching Critical Reflexivity Through Interaction,” in the book, “People-Centered Approaches Toward the Internalization of Higher Education.” The chapter is based on the university’s anthropology course, Connecting Across Cultures.
- The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) awarded Amit Kumar, assistant professor of physical therapy and athletic training, the 2020 ACRM Elizabeth and Sidney Licht Award for his paper, “Use of Hospital-Based Rehabilitation Services and Hospital Readmission Following Ischemic Stroke in the United States.” The paper examines the association between hospital-based rehabilitation service use and all-cause 30-day hospital readmission among patients with ischemic stroke.
- Assistant professor of rhetoric Ira Allen published an article titled, “Negotiating Ubiquitous Surveillance,” in Screen Bodies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Experience, Perception, and Display. He also edited this special edition of the journal and the cover image titled, “Open Here,” for the issue features the delivery robots familiar to NAU’s campus.
- Jack Reid, learning specialist at the Academic Success Centers, published his first book, “Roadside Americans: The Rise and Fall of Hitchhiking in a Changing Nation.” The book traces the changing views and attitudes toward hitchhikers in American society and offers insight to changes in the U.S. during the decline of liberalism and the rise of the Reagan Era. Reid will be featured on NPR’s Here and Now.