NAU will test alert systems during the nationwide Great ShakeOut

Drop, cover, hold on graphic

Oct. 9, 2019

Northern Arizona University is registered to participate in the Great ShakeOut earthquake drills happening nationwide at 10:17 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 17.

Every year, more than 25 million people participate to raise awareness about what to do if you’re caught in an earthquake. Drills are held in K-12 schools, colleges, government agencies, households and other organizations.

NAU will conduct a test of the NAU Alert notification system by sending two texts to subscribers: one to announce the test and a second to conclude it. Other ways of receiving emergency information include priority email, in the NAUGo mobile app, posts on Twitter and Facebook sites and the NAU Now Line. The NAU Now Line can be reached at (928) 523-0007. Information also is broadcast through the Blue Emergency Phones found throughout campus.

During the time of the drill, no action is required, but reviewing and practicing earthquake procedures is recommended. Earthquake Country Alliance has a seven-step plan to address potential earthquakes. Step five is the most emphasized step: Drop, Cover and Hold On.

  • Drop: This low position, on hands and knees, protects vital organs and prevents a person from getting knocked down.
  • Cover: The person crawls to a sturdy shelter (table, desk, etc.) or interior wall away from windows.
  • Hold On: The shelter is grasped with one hand and the person moves with it so it will protect them from falling objects.

If there is not a durable shelter around, the person should stay bent over with their arms and hands covering their head and neck.

Additionally, knowing the earthquake history of the area can aid in preparedness. A record of seismic activity in Arizona can be found by visiting the University of Arizona’s Geological Survey Natural Hazards interactive map.

Faculty, staff and students who are not enrolled in NAU Alert can sign up online. For faculty and staff who have registered but are not receiving messages, contact the ITS Solution Center at (928) 523-1511 or For students experiencing similar issues, contact the Student Technology Center at (928) 523-9294 or