Northern Arizona University graduate students will try to fit years of research into three minutes during the finals of a competition that will test their presentation skills.
Learn about the depth and variety of graduate research happening across NAU during the third annual 3-Minute Research Presentation competition from 3:30–5:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 29, in Ashurst Auditorium. Eight finalists will present work across a range of disciplines and on topics from mysterious volcanoes to robotic prosthetics.
Following the 3MRP competition, the Graduate Student Government Poster Symposium will take place from 5–6:45 p.m. and showcase a variety of programs, papers, projects and research.
The events are designed to enhance graduate student communication and presentation skills and to introduce their work to those outside of their discipline. The NAU community is encouraged to attend the free event and discover more about current research opportunities on campus.
RSVPs are requested to Parking is available at the High Country Conference Center.