When it comes to career support for NAU students, resources abound—but many Lumberjacks don’t know exactly where to turn for help. That’s all about to change.
With a grant from the Strada Education Foundation and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), the university will make it easier for students to access job fairs, career counseling and mentorship opportunities.
The foundation’s $299,979 Innovation in Career Services grant, given to NAU and seven other public universities throughout the country, will fund initiatives that will meet students where they are with career-readiness resources, arming them with program-specific, information-rich and action-oriented career roadmaps at every stage of their educational journey, from pre-matriculation to post-graduation.
Ruth Watkins, Strada’s president of postsecondary education, said NAU and the seven other universities received Innovation in Career Services grants because they are “committed to rethinking and reinvigorating their approaches to career services. Using the education-to-career principles as their guide, they will demonstrate how career advising and guidance can make the difference in improving post-completion outcomes for students, particularly those who have traditionally faced the greatest challenges.”
A dollar-for-dollar match from the office of NAU President José Luis Cruz Rivera will double the impact of the grant, putting a grand total of $599,985 toward strengthening career readiness over the next two years.
“NAU’s most important objective is to become a preeminent engine of opportunity, a vehicle of upward mobility and a driver of social impact,” Cruz Rivera said. “This generous grant from the Strada Education Foundation and AASCU, along with a dollar-for-dollar match from my office, will go a long way toward preparing graduates for lives of purpose and careers of consequence.”
Provost Karen Pugliesi said the infusion of funds will help NAU make huge headway on its 100% Career Ready initiative.
“This grant, and the matching funds from the Office of the President, allow us to expand the scale and impact of career readiness at NAU,” Pugliesi said. “By integrating career readiness into every facet of life at NAU, we’re preparing students like never before to make meaningful contributions to the workforce in Arizona and beyond.”
Together with academic leaders across campus, Maribeth Watwood, vice provost for academic programming and graduate studies, and Yimin Wang, vice provost for global affairs, will lead the effort to build a university-wide ecosystem of career readiness with the grant funds.
“NAU’s Career Council, which includes professionals from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and the Office of Alumni Engagement, will work together to implement the initiatives outlined in this grant proposal through a unified, collaborative approach,” Wang said. “Strengthening the university-wide ecosystem for career readiness is truly a collective effort.”
By the time they’re done, they hope to:
- Connect more students, especially those from underrepresented groups, with information and resources for career exploration and preparation by meeting them where they are: in classrooms and in co-curricular spaces
- Embed career-oriented learning into courses and programs
- Expand pre-professional experience opportunities for students in every discipline
- Enhance career coaching by promoting collaboration between faculty, students, alumni and external partners
- Support students’ entry into and advancement through careers that are fulfilling and make a positive impact in Arizona and beyond
- Boost financial support for internships
- Expand and strengthen partnerships with government, health, nonprofit and industry sectors, paving the way for more internships and job opportunities
“The multifaceted work required to support our students’ successful entry into, and advancement through, their careers is a critical component of fulfilling our promise of access to all students and equitable post-secondary value,” Watwood said. “We owe it not only to students but also to the people of Arizona.”
This is just the latest investment into career readiness at NAU. The Office of the Provost recently added a director and assistant director of internships and placements and three college-based career coordinators, who will help faculty and staff embed career guidance into their teaching and student-facing work. The university also offers multiple career fairs for students each year and workshops that help faculty develop career-focused curricula.
Jill Kimball | NAU Communications
(928) 523-2282 | jill.kimball@nau.edu