Kudos to these faculty, staff and students
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Panel speakers (from left to right) Lori Rubino-Hare, Jo’el Kaye, Larry MacPhee and Don Carter. With more than one hundred people in attendance, Northern Arizona University recently hosted the Sun Corridor Network’s Learning Day. Steve Burrell, chief information officer, hosted the event, and Ricky Roberts, director of technical support, facilitated a panel made up of Don Carter and Larry MacPhee, of e-Learning, and Lori Rubino-Hare and Jo’el Johanson from CSTL, who discussed the importance and role of higher education in support of effective modern technology. The event provided an opportunity for the three state universities to come together to promote affordable connectivity of Internet2 for K-12 classrooms.
- Working as a certified archivist at Cline Library since 2007, Todd Welch was recently elected incoming president of the Academy of Certified Archivists. The Academy was founded in 1989 and participates in the definition and advancement of professional archival education, concepts and issues.
- Jonathan Pringle, an archivist in Special Collections and Archives, was recently named the new chair of the Society of American Archivists Native American Archives Section. Pringle has continued to support and advance previous work related to a set of protocols for Native American archival materials.
The 2016 Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards Gala took place on Oct. 8 in Phoenix. Nominated for several Student Production Awards and Professional Emmy Awards, Northern Arizona University staff, students and alumni took home the following awards:
- Promotion Program: Single Spot/Image—Jerry Anderfuren and Alexander Thomas (pictured right)
- College/University Student Production: Arts and Entertainment/Cultural Affairs—Lucas Mullikin, Maritza Lopez, Nicholas Mazur, Haley Barnett and Mariah Soer
- College/University Student Production: Sports—Austin Davis, Xavier Rangel, Cody Cameron and Holly Switay
- College/University Student Production: Photographer—Lucas Mullikin
- Several School of Communication faculty recently participated in Frontier, an AIGA Design Educator Conference at Montana State University. The conference, held in Bozeman Oct. 7-9, was a thought provoking experience where participants proactively defined the future of design education. Professors Kimberly Mitchell and Jason Mitchell led a panel discussion on the topic of alternate models of learning and critique with a growing enrollment and online culture titled “MOOC-ing Design Education.” Professors Laura L. Camden and Victoria Pickett presented a panel on providing tools and resources to promote international study for both students and educators titled “Teaching Abroad: Building a Design Educator’s Community.”