Kudos to these faculty, staff and students
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Kathleen Ganley, director of NAU Physical Therapy and Athletic Training, was named the 2014 Arizona Physical Therapist of the Year by the Arizona Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association. The award was presented at the Arizona Physical Therapy Association’s annual fall conference.
- Professors Brant Short and Dayle Hardy-Short from the School of Communication had their article “Bless Us with Tears…Bless Us with Anger: A Rhetorical Analysis of Bishop Gene Robinson’s Inaugural Prayer” published in the spring 2014 issue of The Journal of Communication and Religion.
- President Rita Cheng has appointed Shari Miller, compliance manager in Extended Campuses, to serve as the NAU representative to the Arizona State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement Council. The council will be responsible for administering SARA policies and standards for interstate offering of distance education programs.
- Physician assistant professor Michelle DiBaise and NAU physician assistant students were featured on 12 News in Phoenix to celebrate National Physician Assistant Week, Oct. 6-12, a national movement to increase awareness of the profession as well as the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Watch NAU students explain the ins and outs of the emerging field to reporter James Quinones here.
- Karin Wadsack, project director for the Institute for Sustainable Energy Solutions, was recently interviewed by KNAU. Wadsack discussed the new energy policy that will bring together the state’s three universities to find solutions to Arizona’s future energy needs. The collaborative project also will involve the renewable energy industry, businesses, national laboratories and non-profits.