Kudos to these faculty, staff and students
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- Nita L. Paden, professor of marketing at Northern Arizona University and member of the Phi Kappa Phi chapter executive board, was awarded a 2008 Literacy Grant of $1,460 by the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. She is one of 14 recipients nationwide to receive the award, which Paden plans to use to purchase reading development materials to engage low-income Head Start program students in a variety of “fun and beneficial reading activities.” The activities are designed to take multiple approaches to literacy skill development, including word and object association, vocabulary development, listening and reading (music and rhyming) and reading comprehension. Other project partners are Phi Kappa Phi chapter executive board members, including Gypsy Denzine, Janet Savery, Paul Ferlazzo, Terry Crites, Gene Moan, Rich Lei and Bob Yowell.
The Phi Kappa Phi Literacy Grants program was initiated in 2003 to provide an opportunity for campus chapters and individual members to reach out to local communities to share with them the love of learning. Because Phi Kappa Phi is a multi-disciplinary society of students and scholars from large and small institutions located in both urban and rural communities, applicants are encouraged to consider literacy projects that have creative relevance to their disciplines and to the needs of their communities. To date, Phi Kappa Phi has awarded more than $150,000 in literacy grants.
- Harry Hengl, treasurer of the Northern Arizona University Foundation, was inducted into the Yuma County Education Foundation’s Hall of Fame on April 20 after receiving the foundation’s Frances Woodard Award. The award recognizes people who are products of the Yuma County educational system, and who have made a significant impact on the education community in Yuma County and beyond. Hengl graduated from Kofa High School in 1964, earned his master’s degree at NAU and was a teacher in Yuma for 28 years before retiring in 1998.