Kudos to these faculty, staff and students
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- Laura Lyn, psychologist and training coordinator at NAU’s Counseling and Testing Center, traveled to the Northern Illinois University campus in DeKalb, Ill., last month to help the campus recover after a gunman there killed five students and wounded 18 others. Lyn—who specializes in working with the university student population—volunteered in the counseling center to assist with students in crisis.” Although NIU received a tremendous response to its request for volunteer counselors, few had experience counseling college students in a university setting,” she said, adding that she remained very busy helping students who were struggling to return to the first days of classes. “The NIU counseling center staff greatly appreciated the help. I felt I made a real contribution.”
- Nursing student Andrew Cusick is one of five winners of the Sprit of Caring award by the Sharp HealthCare Foundation in San Diego, where he works at Sharp Memorial Hospital. Cusick will receive $1,000 for education expenses. Cusick also recently received the Most Valuable Player award by the Trauma Service for his “consistently kind and supportive approach with patients and families and his astute attention to detail.”
- Susan Ferguson, a graduate teaching assistant in English, along with Dennis Fritz of Kansas City, Mo., received a 2007 Prevention for a Safer Society Award from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency for the publication of Fritz’s memoir, Journey Toward Justice. Ferguson was Fritz’s editor and writing coach on the project.
- Thom Alcoze, professor in the School of Forestry, gave the keynote address at the 2008 Territorial Adult Educators Conference on March 7 in Yellowknife, Canada. His presentation, “Aboriginal Science: Validity and Application,” addressed how teaching science in concert with elders’ knowledge promotes positive learning environments and reflects the validity of cultural practices refined over multiple generations.Alcoze also gave a workshop presentation titled, “First Nations Culture Based Science,” which engaged teachers with examples that demonstrate the extent to which scientific understanding is infused throughout the culture and traditions if indigenous peoples in Canada and the United States.
- Mary I. Dereshiwsky, associate professor of educational leadership, made an invited presentation titled, “How to Communicate with Students About Grades,” at the Multiple Assessments and New Ways of Grading web-based conference on March 5 and 6, sponsored by the Learning Resources Network. She also served as moderator of this conference.