Facility Services gets APS rebate for Skydome lighting project

Seven people hold a big check in front of the staircase at Old Main

NAU’s Facility Services and the Office of Sustainability teams received a $42,892 rebate from APS for the Skydome LED retrofit project.  This project aims to reduce power and noise by replacing halogen bulbs in the Skydome with LED lighting throughout the facility; the LED system, in addition to being more energy-efficient, lasts longer and requires less maintenance labor. 

The Skydome LED retrofit project was the inaugural project for the Sustainability Revolving Fund. It was funded in collaboration with the Student Green Fund. Energy savings realized from this project, along with the APS rebate money, will go back to the Sustainability Revolving Fund to fund more energy and water efficiency projects across campus.

“Over its lifetime, this project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4,500 metric tons and annually save NAU approximately $125,000,” Chief Sustainability Officer Erik Nielsen said. “This approach demonstrates the value of investing in conservation and energy efficiency as critical strategy to meet our 2030 carbon neutrality goals, and we look forward to continued collaboration with APS.”

NAU faculty and staff can also take advantage of APS and federal tax incentives to reduce their residential greenhouse gas emissions and save money through home energy efficiency measures like smart thermostats, insulation and duct cleaning. For more information, see https://www.aps.com/en/Residential/Save-Money-and-Energy/Your-Energy-Your-Options/Rebates and https://www.rewiringamerica.org/app/ira-calculator.




NAU Communications