By Lela Montfort, project director, University College
As we come into the annual Employee Giving Campaign I was asked why I give to NAU. It was a good question in this world of continual opportunities and requests. Why would I want give to my own place of work, particularly during times of uncertainty?
I give because it matters. What NAU provides to students, to the community and to me matters, particularly in a town where I am continuously reminded to make each decision, each moment, each day contribute to the best life ever. Periods of change and reassessment could easily make me feel helpless, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Yet it is in this time of shared challenge that I feel even more inclined to give, not only my time and energy but through direct monetary donations to those areas at NAU that mean the most to me. My donations may not be large or always cohesive, but whether it’s toward the Ardrey Music Scholarship, KNAU, a research project, to help with a celebration on campus or any other area, the goal is the same: To contribute to the well-being of NAU and allow programs that contribute to the spirit and uniqueness that continue to make NAU the place I not only work but that I want to be.
In the world of philanthropy there are many options, but by donating here I am able to promote, foster and support things that directly affect what I care about – students and a hometown that offers an amazing university experience.