New NAU calendar hits the front page

NAU Marketing launched an improved university web event calendar this week, featuring a faster, more user-friendly system designed to drive up event attendance, generate awareness about pertinent deadlines and better connect the NAU community.

The calendar incorporates an improved design paired with increased functionality and will become a backbone for event communication, allowing important department events to be viewed by date and topic at one location.

“The new calendar provides a simpler tool for users to find out what is going on at the university,” said Trey McCallie, university webmaster. “The software allows us to design the calendar to match our NAU theme and display events in a way that makes sense for our users and environment.”

Organized by topic rather than university department, the calendar’s categories were created to effectively guide users outside of the university and those less familiar with internal department structure through the events, even if the categories do not match with actual departments, McCallie said.

The calendar is accessible from the NAU home page’s ‘Upcoming Events’ link and will have the ability to be embedded in university organizations’ web pages or integrated into personal Outlook, Google and Facebook calendars.

McCallie encourages department representatives to undergo training to use the calendar. University Marketing also is available to work with individual departments who want to syndicate the calendar within their department sites.

For information, contact University Marketing at (928) 523-1741 or visit

New calendar of events