Northern Arizona University is listed among the best colleges in the nation for Native Americans, as reported in the American Indian Science and Engineering Society’s 2010-11 College Guide.
In its annual list of the nation’s top 200 schools, published last month in Winds of Change magazine, the society looked for colleges “that have the nucleus of a good American Indian community for support, with a focus on colleges that graduate a good percentage of their Native undergraduates.”
NAU was recognized among the best based on Native student enrollment and for having the community, programs and support that are strong enough for students to stay in college and graduate.
“Inclusion on this list reaffirms to the public that Northern Arizona University provides the academic support and a campus culture that fosters the success of its Native American students,” said Joseph Martin, a member of the Diné Nation and special adviser to NAU President John Haeger.
A separate NAU profile page in the magazine notes several ways the university is meeting the needs of Native students, such as through the Native American Student Services office, which “provides a space for Native students to gather and socialize and also offers services like career counseling, academic guidance and financial aid assistance.”
It also references the Native American Convocation and the American Indian Heritage Month at NAU as activities that “honor the tradition of achievement established by Native students on campus,” and the Institute for Native Americans as a way for students to give back to their respective communities.
“NAU already has a number of programs and resources in place to help our Native students succeed,” Martin said. “With the addition of our Native American Cultural Center now on the horizon we are able to further demonstrate our commitment to the diverse traditions, perspectives and contributions of Native American culture on our campus.”