The traffic signs popping up along Butler Avenue and the Northern Arizona University campus also are a sign of things to come.
Starting Oct. 26, San Francisco Street will be closed for about six weeks to traffic between Franklin Avenue and McCreary Street to accommodate construction vehicles and roadway utility crossings near the new Health and Learning Center building site.
“We are redirecting traffic in an effort to keep drivers safe from the constant move of construction workers and equipment,” said Jane Kuhn, interim chief facilities officer.
To assist drivers, numerous traffic signs will be placed strategically throughout campus.
The field by Wall Aquatic Center also is being disrupted temporarily to upgrade utility lines to buildings.
The NAU Police Department is working with the city of Flagstaff is to ensure access for emergency vehicles.
All parking restrictions and traffic rules will remain in place during the temporary traffic changes.
Read Inside NAU for further updates on the traffic pattern through campus.