In the Spotlight: Sept. 25, 2015

Kudos to these faculty, staff and students

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  • Laura L. Camden, associate professor of photojournalismhas contributed to a UNESCO book titled Teaching Journalism for Sustainable Development: New Syllabi. The book, a collection of eight syllabi, clarifies how the social, political and environmental dimensions of sustainable development can be appropriated within the overall design of journalism curricula. Camden helped create the international collaborations curriculum while on teaching exchange at the University of Wollongong in Australia. The publication is a project of the IPDC’s Global Initiative for Excellence in Journalism Education.
  • Monica Brown bookEnglish professor Monica Brown’s newest book, Maya’s Blanket: La Manta de Maya, will be featured in The New York Times Sunday Book Review on Sept. 27. Inspired by the traditional Yiddish folk song “Hob Ikh Mir a Mantl” (“I Had a Little Coat”), Brown’s children’s story puts a child-focused, Latino spin on the tale of an item that is made into smaller and smaller items. The book review can be read online.
  • Mohamed A. Mohamed, assistant professor of sociology, will participate in The Unfinished Project of the Arab Spring conference Sept. 25-27 at the University of Alberta, Edmonton campus. Mohamed will give a presentation entitled “The Future of Egypt’s Military Coup.”
  • Northern Arizona University has been ranked among the top 30 most affordable online psychology degree programs by Great Value Colleges. The 2015 rankings were based on net cost, national program rankings and an option for a master’s degree.