Kudos to these faculty and staff
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- NAU’s online English Master’s program was ranked No. 1 and No. 2 in the nation by GradSource and the Community for Accredited Online Schools. It also was recognized by GradSource for programs in literature, rhetoric, writing and digital media.
- Joseph Martin, director and associate professor of the American Indian School Leadership program in the department of educational leadership, and Jon Reyhner, professor at the department of educational specialties along with research partners from the University of Regina and the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), authored “What Educational Leaders See as Important for Improving the Education of Indigenous Youth.” This was featured in the 2017 edited book Honoring Our Teachers and examines and explores recurring themes that emerged from research related to the improvement of Indigenous students’ learning outcomes in Canada, the U.S. and New Zealand.
The newly discovered Disparrhopalites naasavegw. Jut Wynne, assistant research professor in the department of biology and the Merriam Powell Center, and Ernest Bernard, University of Tennessee, recently published a paper in Zootaxa describing a new species of Collembola (or springtail) from earth crack caves at Wupatki National Monument. Disparrhopalites naasavegw, whose name comes from the hopi language, is considered a climate relict restricted to the cooler, more humid conditions of caves. Pictured right.
- NAU’s master’s in science teaching program was recently ranked No. 9 in the U.S. by Affordable Colleges. In a review of schools across the nation, NAU’s program stood out in both quality and affordability.
- Bruce M. Sullivan, professor of comparative cultural studies, was invited to speak at the “The Dialogical Indian: Encounters in Premodern Sources” conference at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom this summer. His presentation, entitled “Mahabharata Dialogues on Dharma and Devotion,” is based on two religiously significant dialogues in the Sanskrit text and will be published along with the other 15 papers presented in a forthcoming volume from Routledge.
- Alan A. Lew, chair of the department of geography, planning and recreation, was recently interviewed by the Europe Now journal about Tourism: People, Places & Mobilities. Lew gives insight to tourism and his real-life experiences learning about it.
- NAU’s master’s of administration-leadership program was recently ranked No. 10 in the U.S. by Affordable Colleges. The ranking noted that degree candidates entering the program can choose one of nine available degree emphases: health sciences, justice studies, land-use planning, project management, geographic information systems, leadership, public management, small business, professional writing or a customized area that aligns with students’ specific career objectives.
- Harun Mehmedinovic, professor of practice in the department of communication, shot the below time-lapse as part of his SkyGlow project to create awareness of light pollution. While creating the film Stormhenge, he filmed rainy, stormy days at the western Nebraska site of Carhenge and the eclipse in totality. The story featuring Mehmedinovic’s video can be viewed online.