In the Spotlight: Oct. 26, 2012

Kudos to these faculty, staff and students

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  • Patricia Murphey's posterPatricia Murphey, assistant professor of visual communication, was awarded third place in the poster design category of the 2012 American Design Awards Semi-annual Design Contest. Murphey submitted a poster she designed, pictured at right, for the Child Maltreatment Awareness Campaign to the peer-reviewed international competition.Murphey and her class worked with Victim Witness Services of Coconino County to develop a campaign to raise awareness of child maltreatment and resources available to victims. Murphey also assisted in developing ads, brochures, apparel, a media kit and a public service announcement.Visual design lab students who participated in the project were Kayla Baca, Lani Bilharz, Michelle James, Greg McLean and Andrew Somerville.The poster will appear in the American Design Awards’ annual book, set to publish in 2013.
  • Morgan Kennedy, Ayaka Soya and Megan Wolniewicz, three students from Carol Thompson’s Political Economy of South Africa course, were awarded the Global Learning and Research Scholarship by NAU’s Center for International Education. The award is for their research, “Seed Communities for Sustainable Change,” a three-stage project working with Zimbabwean farmers to establish sustainable food networks. Working with NAU Sustainable Living and Urban Gardening, they also will be planting Zimbabwean food-crop seeds on campus.
  • Robin Long, adviser for the CCC2NAU program, accepted an Outstanding Institutional Advising Program Award at the National Academic Advising Association’s annual conference in Nashville this month. The award is given to programs with innovative or exemplary practices that improve academic advising services.