Kudos to these faculty, staff and students
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- Fredricka Stoller, professor of English, was a keynote speaker at the Extensive Reading World Congress held in Dubai, UAE. In her address, Stoller spoke about action research that teachers could conduct in the context of their extensive reading classrooms. She also conducted a workshop on developing students’ reading fluency.
- NAU School of Nursing’s Tucson campus recently held a Diaper Challenge in recognition of Diaper Awareness Week, Sept. 28-Oct. 4. Together, the nursing faculty and students, pictured right, collected more than 3,000 diapers to donate to the Tucson Diaper Bank.
- NAU faculty and staff from University College and the eLearning Center participated in the 2015 Teaching Professor Technology Conference in New Orleans. Allison Adams, Flower Darby, John Doherty, Kevin Ketchner, Yvonne Luna, Michelle Miller and Wally Nolan presented on several topics including blended class design, use of mobile devices and more effective use of technology based on cognitive science. The sessions can be seen on the Flagstaff campus at NAU’s upcoming Innovations in Teaching: Lessons Learned from the President’s Technology Initiative conference on Oct. 23.
- KNAU made history in its first silent pledge drive, meeting its goal of $125,000 without interrupting radio programing. The station surpassed its target on Sunday, October 4, three days before the drive ended.
- Bruce M. Sullivan, professor of comparative study of religions and Asian studies, had a book titled Sacred Objects in Secular Spaces: Exhibiting Asian Religions in Museums published by Bloomsbury Publishing. The book explores how religious objects, originally housed in temples and shrines, are to be understood, exhibited and handled now that they are in museums and have different functions.
- NAU occupational therapy students were trained as Arizona’s Military/Veteran Resource Navigators by the Arizona Coalition for Military Families. The October 5 training taught students about military culture and how to connect active duty military, veterans and their families to Arizona resources for employment, social and financial support, housing/homelessness, mental health/substance abuse, physical health and spirituality.
- In honor of Disability Awareness Month, NAU’s Student Occupational Therapy Association sponsored a Skype question and answer session with Teal Sherer for students and faculty at the Phoenix Biomedical Campus. Sherer stars in the online series My Gimpy Life: the Awkward Adventures of a Driven Actress Trying to Navigate Hollywood in a Wheelchair.