Kudos to these faculty, staff and students
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UNAM biology professor Javier Alvarez Sanchez meets with NAU representatives Liz Grobsmith and Michael Ort. Melissa Armstrong, director for the Global Science and Engineering Program, Michael Ort, professor in the School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability and Liz Grobsmith, interim director for the Center for International Education, visited the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM, to discuss establishing a new exchange program. The partnership would enable NAU students to attend UNAM ‘s Mexico City and Querétaro campuses for science research and Spanish language study. In exchange, NAU would host UNAM undergraduate and graduate students.
- Zachary Smith, Regents’ professor of politics and international affairs, recently presented a paper titled “Evaluating Competencies and Institutional Capacities in Non-Governmental Organizations” at the Conference of the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences in Florence, Italy.
- Alexandra A. Carpino, professor of art history and chair of the Department of Comparative Cultural Studies, is the co-editor of A Companion to the Etruscans released this month. Carpino also wrote the book’s introduction and has a chapter in the volume titled “The ‘Taste’ for Violence in Etruscan Art: Debunking the Myth.”
- Nicole Walker, professor of creative writing, will have three collections of essays published in the coming year. Micrograms will be released March 20, followed by Canning Peaches for the Apocalypse in the fall and Egg in March 2017.