Kudos to these faculty, staff and students
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- Greg Caporaso, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, co-authored “Quality-Filtering Vastly Improves Diversity Estimates from Illumina Amplicon Sequencing,” which appears in Nature Methods. Caporaso said recommendations from the paper may become a new standard in the field of microbial ecology and are contributing to the Earth Microbiome Project, a “massive project to sample and sequence under-characterized microbial diversity on Earth.”
- Anna Sosa, assistant professor of communication sciences and disorders, was awarded the New Investigator’s Research Grant Award by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation at its national convention in Atlanta in November. The $5,000 grant will fund a year-long project investigating how infants and parents communicate during play.
Photography major Erika Tenney’s photo, Falling Winter Sun, pictured at right, was selected as the winning image in the 2012 School of Communication Holiday Card Contest. She received $150 and her photo is on the front of the school’s 2012 holiday card. It and the nine runners-up are on display in the School of Communication gallery during December and January. The nine runners up are: Chance Boultinghouse, Janelle Cordova, Jenneke van Genechten, Rachel Gibbons, Audrey Hirschl, Dakota Peterson, Amanda Quinlan, Jasmine Riley, Xiaoxhen Wang. Judges of the contest were faculty members Laura Camden, Russ Gilbert, John Hessinger and Sam Minkler.
- Rodrigo de Toledo, associate professor of visual communication, has a short video/animation called Hollow Null on exhibit in the contemporary art exhibition “ID/Identities Istambul” in Turkey. The video is a whimsical adaptation from part of de Toledo’s illustrated book Chronicles of Entanglement, about the search for identity and integration in a foreign land—the search for creative balance, beauty and the muse. He also composed the video’s original music, and shot footage in downtown Flagstaff.
- Chris Parish, a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, was named the Natural Resource Professional of the Year by the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Parish is the project director for the Peregrine Fund’s Condor Recovery Program and will be recognized at the Arizona Game and Fish Commission Awards Banquet on Jan. 12 in Carefree, Ariz.