In the Spotlight: Dec. 16, 2011

Kudos to these faculty, staff and students

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  • Research insights from Michelle Miller were featured in “Teaching and Human Memory, Part II,” a column in the Chronicle of Higher Education. The column includes Miller’s answers to a number of questions about how memory research can increase teaching effectiveness.
  • Several NAU faculty and staff contributed to a newly released textbook on qualitative research. Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Designs was edited by undergraduate research coordinator MaryLynn T. Quartaroli, education professor Frances J. Riemer, and Stephen D. Lapan, emeritus professor of educational specialties. They also wrote chapters.
  • Christine Lemley, associate professor of teaching and learning, Tricia Moore, a dental hygiene professor, and Angelina Castagno, assistant professor of educational leadership, also wrote chapters for the book.
  • Alice Gibb, professor of biological sciences, coauthored a paper that is published in the Journal of Experimental Zoology. The article, “Prey Capture Behavior of Native vs. Nonnative Fishes: A Case Study from the Colorado River Drainage Basin,” examines the behavior basis of prey capture in native vs. non-native fish of the Verde River and other Southwestern watersheds.