kudos to these faculty, staff and students
Do you have a spotlight item to share with the NAU community?
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Members of the NAU Police Department took part in the running of the Special Olympics’ Torch of Hope as it made its way through Flagstaff on Tuesday. The summer games will take place Aug. 28-30, in Mesa, Ariz.Pictured to the right are Keegan Park, left, police radio dispatcher, and Daniel Stradling, a student employee for the department, as they finish the four-mile run from the NAU Police Department to Interstate 17 and the Flagstaff airport exit, where the Arizona Department of Public Safety received the torch.
- Zachary Smith, Regents’ Professor of politics and international affairs, was selected to serve a two-year term as president of the Society of Human Ecology. The organization is an international interdisciplinary society that promotes the use of an ecological perspective in research, education and application.
- Jennifer Prior, associate professor in the College of Education, has authored An Educator’s Guide to Family Involvement and Early Literacy. The bilingual guide blends teaching and research, and models effective partnerships between teachers and parents to boost children’s literacy.
- Ann Marie Chischilly has been selected as the new director of NAU’s Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals. Chischilly spent the last decade working with the Gila River Indian Community to implement the historic Arizona Water Settlement Act and founded the tribe’s Renewable Energy Team.
- The Environmental Caucus presented its 2nd annual Sustainability Leadership Awards in Cline Library last week.
Honorees were Kristen Bullard, librarian at Cline Library, who created the Transportation Action Team; Kevin Ordean, NAU undergraduate student, who co-founded of the Green Fund student organization and serves as its leader; Romand Coles, Francis McAllister Endowed Chair in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, who serves as chair of Community, Culture and Environment; and the Weatherization and Community Building Action Team, a student group that worked to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in the community.