Kudos to these faculty, staff and students
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- Chris Johnson, professor of visual communication, has been selected to show his piece in the 2015 Southwestern Invitational Art Exhibit. Johnson’s piece features an animated Lightbox covered with recycled aluminum cans and bottle caps. The piece focuses on conflict and the repeating pattern that is created from the lack of resolution. The exhibit will open in Yuma and also be on display at the West Valley Art HQ, Prescott College Art Gallery, Tubac Center for the Arts, Coconino Center for the Arts and the Phoenix Airport Museum.
- Scott Shumaker, a master’s student in the English-Literature program, delivered a paper titled “With Soutil Pencel Was Depeynted This Storie: Exploring the Influence of Manuscript Illumination on the Text of The Knight’s Tale” at the 21st annual conference of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
- Donelle Ruwe, English professor, published “Old Guard > Avant-Garde > Kindergarde: The 2014 Lion and the Unicorn Award for Excellence in North American Poetry” in the peer-reviewed journal The Lion and the Unicorn. The essay overviewed children’s and young adult poetry published in 2013, identified current trends in poetry publishing, and presented the outstanding qualities of the award-winning collection and honor books.
NAU’s men’s basketball team’s celebrated season ended with a loss to Evansville in the championship game of the CollegeInsider.com Postseason Tournament. The Lumberjacks finished the season with a 23-15 record, the most wins in team history. President Rita Cheng and a group of Lumberjack fans greeted the team at the airport after their arrival from Indiana.
- James Leve, professor of music, presented a paper titled, “The Mouse and I: Singing and Intellectual Disability in the 1980 Broadway Musical Charlie and Algernon,” at the annual conference of the Society for American Music. The paper applied insights from disability studies approaches to Broadway shows featuring characters with vocal and intellectual disabilities. Leve also organized a seminar session in which he delivered, “’I Won’t Dance, Don’t Ask Me’: Disability in Musical Theater.” The seminar marked the first time the Society for American Music held a session devoted to disability studies in music.