Humans of NAU: Karli VanderMeersch

Headshot of Karli VanderMeersch

From a young age, Honors College senior Karli VanderMeersch fell in love with learning and set her sights on NAU. But that’s not to say the 2024-25 Associated Students of NAU president hasn’t grown and changed over time: She once swore she’d never be a lawyer, yet today, she’s double majoring in criminology/criminal justice and psychological science and intends to go to law school. Read on for VanderMeersch’s career goals, life bucket list and tips for how to get involved at NAU.

What brought you to NAU?  

NAU was always my top choice for in-state schools. Being from the valley, the idea of living in a mountain town where it snowed in the winter was very appealing to me. Also, the variety of scholarships offered made college more affordable and accessible. 

How did you get involved in ASNAU?

I joined ASNAU as a senator in my sophomore year and loved it. It provides such a great opportunity to learn more about NAU as a whole and be able to express your opinions about the challenges students face. 

Karli VanderMeersch and friends exploring the outdoors in ArizonaWhat do you want students to know about ASNAU? 

ASNAU is here for you! We are funded by the ‘23 Fee, and we use this to host the Homecoming Carnival, Lumberjack Concert Series, reimbursements for clubs/individuals, free legal counsel, graphic design and so much more. Our office is ALWAYS open for students and clubs to drop by and ask questions or even just hang out. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns because we want to represent you and your needs!

Tell us about a significant childhood memory and how it has impacted your life today.

One of my most significant childhood memories is the time I spent with my mom at the public library. She always had a love of reading, and I think it was her way of passing this down to me. While it isn’t a single moment, the experience of being surrounded by books filled with stories of far-off places and different cultures was a hallmark of my childhood. I remember wandering the aisles aimlessly, picking up any book that looked remotely interesting and reading it. Even today, I find comfort in libraries, and no matter where I travel, I always seek out a library to visit. My mom instilled in me the belief that reading is a path to learning, growth and self-challenge. As a result, I’m constantly exploring new ideas and perspectives.

What did you want to be when you grew up?  

For the longest time, I wanted to be a marine biologist (growing up, I watched the movie Dolphin Tale one too many times). Unfortunately for me, I am afraid of the ocean and deep bodies of water, so that wouldn’t have worked out. Ironically, the one career I didn’t want as a kid was to be a lawyer (solely because of Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight Rises). But over time, I became passionate about the legal profession and now I am applying to law school. 

What do you want to do after graduation? 

I plan to attend law school after I graduate from NAU. I want to focus on child advocacy and juvenile justice law. 

What have you been most proud of recently? 

Recently, I have been most proud of my fellow ASNAU execs: Jadyn Fisher (VPPR), Alex Lee (VPDEI), Morgan Ruff (VPSA) and Nico Valdez (VPEA). Each of them inspires me daily. Their passion for creating tangible change at NAU is truly remarkable to witness. I am excited to work alongside them and eager to see where this year takes us.

Karli VanderMeersch posing in front of the Eiffel TowerWhat is your favorite way to spend a day off?

Whenever I have days off, I love to spend them with my friends! Sometimes we will take a trip to Prescott to grab lunch and hit Trader Joe’s. Other times I love to just go grab a coffee and catch up. One of the best things about living in Flagstaff is that when the weather is nice, it is so great to just go and walk around.  

What are three things on your bucket list?

  • Visit Athens, Greece. One of the things I was able to do here at NAU was participate in a study abroad program. Since then, I have enjoyed traveling so much. As a huge fan of Greek mythology, I hope to visit Athens one day and see all of the architecture, like the Parthenon. 
  • Learn Spanish. Most of my family is from Mexico and know how to speak Spanish. But unfortunately, my siblings and I never learned.  
  • Go skydiving.  

What advice do you have for other students, especially those new to NAU this fall? 

Get involved! Whether you plan to apply for a job right after undergrad or go on to graduate school, now really is the time to gain experience and skills to help you achieve your future goals. College is what you make of it and while there are a lot of resources and support available to you, it’s up to you to take that first step by getting involved. The opportunities at NAU are endless. So, whether you want to join a club, try a research lab, play a sport or just meet new people, I encourage you to take that first step and try new things because you never know where it might take you. 

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Jill Kimball | NAU Communications
(928) 523-2282 |

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