There’s lots to love about NAU in the summertime, from blooming gardens and luscious green grass to countless youth camps and conferences. But in the midst of all these exciting events, don’t forget to experience one of the simplest, most joyful warm weather activities: Swinging in a hammock under the shade of the vanilla-scented ponderosa pines.
Bring a book or simply close your eyes. Socialize or hang solo. Go for an hour or spend the whole day swinging. However you hammock, we’re here to help steer you in the right direction. Here are our five favorite places to (literally) hang out on the NAU campus.

North Quad
Located at the north end of NAU’s campus, this idyllic quad has attracted generations of hammock-loving Lumberjacks. It’s a great spot to socialize while you swing: Bring a slackline, a picnic blanket and some snacks and spend a memorable afternoon here with friends, enjoying the peace and quiet of NAU’s historic quarter.
Outside McConnell Hall
Whether or not you live in this dorm on the edge of south campus, it’s a great idea to post up here: The area is dense with trees and sees very little traffic in the summertime. There’s no better place to catch a nap, read or study as you swing.
South of Gabaldon Hall
The large grassy field south of this residence hall is already a popular spot for students looking to warm up in the summertime sun. But its tree-lined perimeter also makes an excellent hot-weather retreat for hammockers. Post up near the pedway to watch people walk, skate and scooter by, or grab a spot on the quieter east side of the field to read or nap.
Sinclair Wash Trail
Part of Flagstaff’s beloved urban trail system, the tree-lined Sinclair Wash Trail snakes all the way through south campus. Though the trail itself is bustling with runners, cyclists and student commuters year-round, there are endless peaceful places just off the trail for hammock enthusiasts. We’d recommend scoping out the area between the Hilltop Townhomes and the Sports Activity Practice Fields. Alternatively, check out the network of dirt trails just north of East McConnell Drive.
Central Quad
This green space in the heart of campus may not be large, but it’s long been a popular spot to string up a hammock—possibly because it’s right next to the pedway, close to a handful of residence halls and just minutes away from University Union. Swing here after lunch at the Hot Spot or during your midday break between classes.
Jill Kimball | NAU Communications
(928) 523-2282 |