Students in the NAU chapter of service sorority Omega Phi Alpha are holding a community clothing swap from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 6, in the Kaibab room in the University Union.
The group already has collected more than 800 gently used men’s and women’s clothing items and accessories in a wide variety of sizes and styles. Participants should bring five gently used items of clothing and pay the $6 admission price to swap for five items of clothing. Additional items will cost $2 each.
The group also will be collecting food donations for the Flagstaff Family Food Center, and anyone bringing a canned food item will receive $1 off the admission fee.
Items that will not be collected or exchanged include underwear, swimwear, socks, nightgowns, hats, Greek Letters, workout clothes and earrings.
Any clothes that are not swapped or purchased will be donated to the Sunshine Rescue Mission and other community shelters.
All proceeds from the fundraiser will help the chapter send members to the sorority’s national convention in Pittsburgh this summer.
For information, contact Susanna Hamilton at or (602) 318-7652.