Did someone say coffee milkshake?!

close up of coffee milkshake in glass with metal straw

“A cup of coffee is not breakfast.”—a lecture I grew all too familiar with. So, what would make it breakfast worthy? Fruit? Protein powder? Nuts? I started experimenting with coffee shake options and haven’t gone back to my boring cup of joe in months! Plus, what used to be a beverage filled with creamer and sugar is now replaced with a protein-filled, naturally sweet alternative that, if I’m being honest, tastes even better. 

For National Coffee Milkshake Day, here’s the perfect blend of sweet and healthy that you can drink as-is or toss in whatever else you can find! It’s refreshingly cold, tasty and perfect for summer, plus, it’s super simple, easily veganized and will keep you energized on the go. All you need is a high-powered blender and the ingredients below!



Photo of base ingredients

  • 1 frozen banana (Tip: As bananas ripen, they become sweeter. To take full advantage of their natural sweetness, peel, cut and freeze your bananas just as they are spotting and turning brown.) 
  • 1 cup cold coffee (I brew it the day before and put it in the fridge until I’m ready to use it the next morning.) 
  • ¾ cup milk or plant milk (After trying them all, I prefer oat milk— it’s extra creamy and delicious and full of calcium.) 
  • 1 scoop protein powder (My go-to is Garden of Life, Vanilla—the vanilla adds a nice, subtle flavor without being chalky.) 
  • 2 cups ice 

 Optional additions: (Tip: Keep in mind that the more ingredients you add, the more liquid you’ll need. Make sure to have extra milk, coffee and/or water on hand to adjust the consistency.) 

  • 1-2 tablespoons peanut butter (I opt for PBFit Powder, which is lower in fat.)  Optional additional ingredients
  • ¼ cup raw cashews 
  • 1 teaspoon flax seed (for some added protein) 
  • ½ cup rolled or quick oats (Tip: this will keep you fuller for longer and provides some good fiber, protein and vitamins) 
  • Small piece of chocolate bar (I keep some extra dark chocolate in my fridge, and break off a piece to add to my shake when I want to indulge) 
  • 1 handful raw spinach (I know, it sounds weird and admittedly will turn your shake into a very unappetizing color of brownish green, BUT, adding spinach to a shake/smoothie is a great way to get in some greens, and is 100% tasteless—I promise!) 
  • Skosh of maple syrup (for a little added sweetness) 


Add ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Serve and enjoy! 

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Carly Banks | NAU Communications
(928) 523-5582 | carly.banks@nau.edu

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