President Rita Cheng and representatives from Northern Arizona University met with partner institutions in China last week, building on more than two decades of collaboration directly related to NAU’s global education goals.
The president was joined by Paul Jagodzinksi, dean of the College of Engineering, Forestry and Natural Sciences, and staff from NAU’s Center for International Education. Cheng and Jagodzinski met with leaders at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, and Beijing International Studies University.
“Our partnerships with universities in China add great value to our domestic students’ experiences on the Flagstaff campus,” Cheng said. “The richness of diverse experiences and viewpoints on our campus offers all our students a global perspective important for entering today’s workforce here and abroad.”
The president met students in the current cohort of programs including the CUPT 3+1 joint program in electrical engineering and the GUFE experimental class for the dual degree in business management. Students in the electrical engineering program will spend their senior year at NAU in Flagstaff. Students in the business management program spend the first year at GUFE, the second and third year at NAU, and return to study at GUFE for the final year.
The trip included a visit with the China Center for International Educational Exchange and the International Office under China Education Association for International Exchange, sponsors of the Sino-American 1+2+1 Dual Degree Program. The dual degree program, one of NAU’s first in China, has produced more than 200 graduates in the last 10 years.
NAU officials also were welcomed to the BISU campus during their visit. NAU’s multi-dimensional partnership with the Beijing university started nearly 25 years ago and now includes both faculty and student exchanges.