NAU starts 125th year with its most diverse entering class

Students standing on a sports field wearing matching T-shirts and forming the letters NAU

On the first day of the Fall 2024 semester, Northern Arizona University celebrated two historic milestones: the start of its 125th year and the most diverse entering class in its history.

On Aug. 26, almost 28,000 Lumberjacks started classes in Flagstaff, at other campuses throughout the state and online.

“As we begin a new academic year and celebrate NAU’s 125th anniversary, the diversity and achievements of this year’s exceptional class clearly illustrate our university’s commitment to expanding access, driving success and preparing students for impactful careers and meaningful lives,” said Northern Arizona University President José Luis Cruz Rivera. “Our new Lumberjacks join thousands of current students who are advancing in their studies and are well-prepared to thrive beyond college, as NAU remains focused on delivering exceptional quality and value to those who entrust their educational futures to our institution.”

The entering class of Lumberjacks—who come from all backgrounds and walks of life—reflect NAU’s commitment to access and attainment, the national and international draw of the Flagstaff mountain campus and the unparalleled value provided by an NAU education, which provides graduates with a 100% career-ready experience to power their post-college success.

Highlights include:

  • Highest percentage of new Hispanic students ever (29%)
  • Highest percentage of new Native American students ever (4.2%)
  • Highest percentage of new Pell eligible students ever (41%)
  • Serving first-generation college students: 42% of new freshmen and transfer students, and 40% of all NAU undergraduates, identify as first-generation
  • Powering access throughout Arizona: new and continuing student enrollment has increased by 25% at NAU-Yuma and 25% at NAU-North Valley
  • An international destination, with a 4% increase in new and continuing international student enrollment
  • Increases in new U.S. graduate enrollment (up 4.8%) and total graduate enrollment of all new and continuing students (up 3.4%)

NAU students come from:

  • All 15 Arizona counties
  • All 50 U.S. states
  • 111 federally recognized Native American Tribes
  • 92 countries

The top 10 most popular academic programs among NAU’s entering class reflect a depth and breadth of interest, as well as NAU’s strength in areas of significant need for the modern workforce:

  • Nursing
  • Psychological sciences
  • Exploratory
  • Biomedical science
  • Criminology and criminal justice
  • Biology
  • Exercise physiology
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Business economics
  • Elementary education

To support the success and immersion of students on NAU’s Flagstaff campus, approximately 10,200 students will live in on-campus housing this fall—a record for NAU. With an unparalleled campus living experience in one of the nation’s premier college towns, as well as close access to classes, academic resources, student life activities, a rich sense of community and campus employment opportunities, residential engagement is a proven means of enhancing the student experience and propelling success.

In addition to the highlights of NAU’s entering class, more students are continuing their studies and succeeding thanks to strong attention to retention and graduation throughout the university, a testament to NAU’s strong emphasis on student success throughout its endeavors.

NAU has increased the first-time, full-time student retention and graduation rates significantly in the last year, with six-year graduation rates at NAU reaching their highest level ever since the federal government required reporting on this information in the 1990s. Overall, more than three out of four students are retained after their first year and more than three out of five earn their degree from NAU within six years, with more than four of five completing a degree from NAU or elsewhere in this timeframe.

NOTE: This information reflects today’s estimates for student counts. Numbers will not be final until the university census date.

NAU Communications