Nominations are now being accepted for the President’s Diversity and Equity Awards given by NAU’s five diversity commissions: the Commission on Disability Access and Design, the Commission on Ethnic Diversity, the LGBTQIA Commission, the Commission for Native Americans and the Commission on the Status of Women. The commissions seek to honor members of the campus community who have shown an exceptional dedication to diversity and inclusion across campus. Awards will be presented at the President’s Annual Diversity Awards Banquet on May 2.
The CDAD Leadership Award honors faculty, staff, students, departments, organizations or community members who have made outstanding contributions to the disability community at NAU. Only faculty, staff and students may make nominations. Nominations are due by March 20; contact Lauren Copeland-Glenn for more information or questions about the awards.
The CED President’s Award for Ethnic Diversity honors programs, departments, groups or individuals who have contributed significantly to the enhancement of ethnic diversity at NAU. Nominations are due by April 1; contact Tia Truss for more information or questions about the awards.
The LGBTQIA Commission Diversity Awards are designed to honor individuals who have distinguished themselves in their service and commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community at NAU and/or in the greater Flagstaff community. These awards go to an NAU student, staff member and faculty member, followed by an Ally of the Year award, which is presented at the NAU Rainbow Convocation ceremony. Nominations are due March 10. For information on nominations, please contact the LGBTQIA Commission at
The Cal Seciwa Awards for Outstanding Student, Faculty and Staff are given each year by the Commission for Native Americans to recipients in each of the three categories who have demonstrated outstanding services to Indigenous communities. Nominations close March 20 at 5 p.m. To nominate an individual or for more information, contact or
The CSW Outstanding Achievement and Contribution Award honors Northern Arizona University faculty, staff or students and organizations or community members who have made outstanding contributions to women’s leadership development and towards advancing the status of women at Northern Arizona University. Nominations are due by March 23.