A 10-week Women’s Weight Management Research Program begins Feb. 1 and is open to female NAU faculty and staff and members of the Flagstaff and surrounding communities who are at least 25 years old, at least 20 pounds overweight and have no serious illnesses.
NAU graduate health clinicians will run the program, trained and supervised by clinical health psychologist Suzanne Daiss, director of the Health Psychology Center and associate professor of of psychology.
Participants will receive individual health and wellness assessments before and after the program consisting of an analysis of their diet and physical activity patterns, blood pressure monitoring, body mass index measurement, waist measurement and self-reports of quality of life and general well being related to weight and overall health.
The cost to participate in the 10-week program is $50, which includes the cost of program materials. Group meetings are scheduled from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Mondays starting Feb. 1. The follow-up program will continue for an additional six months with decreasing frequency of contact over time.
For information, visit www.nau.edu/~psych/HPCD/2010weight.html or contact Julie Lambert at (928) 523-2161.