Northern Arizona University President John Haeger has announced the initiation of a search for a vice president for Finance and Administration. The decision is in response to expanding needs in the areas of financial management, sustainability, economic development and in increasingly complex reporting requirements at the federal and state levels.
MJ McMahon has been serving in the position in addition to her role as executive vice president since late 2008.
“I am grateful for MJ’s efforts and those of the reporting units, which have contributed to the success of the university in recent months,” Haeger said. “At the same time, the areas reporting to the vice president for Finance and Administration are among those that have the greatest potential risk to the university, and we cannot afford to continue splitting up such major responsibilities. We must focus on these critical needs, especially during challenging economic times.”
The areas of responsibility include internal audit, comptroller and financial services, human resources, purchasing services, university police, post office, bookstore and a university-wide system of space allocation and use. The portfolio also will include the Office of Economic Development and the Office of Sustainability. Capital Assets and Services will continue to report to Jane Kuhn, interim chief facilities officer.
Haeger noted that Arizona is one of the states selected for intensive auditing of the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding. The university has received $23.5 million in stimulus funding.
The job opening is being advertised nationally, and the president hopes to fill the position in January. Fred Hurst, vice president for Extended Campuses, is chairing the search committee.