Kudos to these faculty, staff and students
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- Robert Yowell, professor of theater, received a 2009 Merit Award from Southeast Missouri State University for bringing distinction to the university. Yowell, who graduated from SMSU in 1966 with a bachelor of arts degree, was honored in a ceremony at the university’s homecoming festivities in October.
- John Doherty, an instructional designer at the e-Learning Center, and Kevin Ketchner, a librarian at Cline Library, published “Making Connections: Technology and Interaction in an Honors Classroom” in the Fall/Winter 2009 special “Honors in the Digital Age” issue of the Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council. The article is about how an online icebreaker can jump start connections and community among new honors students.
- Mary McGroarty, a professor of applied linguistics in the English department, presented an invited colloquium, “Choice and Change in Planning for Bilingualism,” for faculty and students at the University of Ottawa in Canada on Oct. 26. The presentation was part of the Academic Forum series organized by the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute supported by the Canadian government.
- Shelley Dennis, a graduate student in Liberal Studies, is organizing “Cooling the Planet, Warm the Neighborhood,” an event that will link the community with affordable and sustainable home weatherization kits, held from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 224 S. Kendrick in Flagstaff. The church also is being weatherized.