Traci Gleason named 2024 Homecoming dedicatee!

Students and staff celebrate Traci Gleason

It was a beautiful, late summer day and dozens of students had formed a line outside the Lumberjack CARE Center to collect food and other goods from NAU’s on-campus food pantry. This wasn’t a typical bi-weekly Louie’s Cupboard handout, though—it was a celebration of Hispanic/Latine Heritage Month and, unbeknownst to anyone in attendance, also the tapping of this year’s Homecoming dedicatee. 

Several clubs had booths set up outside, including IMQ, which hosts a cooking demonstration each heritage and history month to highlight cultural foods, feature chefs from that community and hand out recipe kits. Traci Gleason, director of the Office of Inclusion, and her team were busy connecting with students when loud cheers started to approach the booth.  

Before long, nearly 20 staff, students and media had surrounded the IMQ table, carrying a bouquet of flowers, waving pompoms and wearing Homecoming dedicatee buttons.  

“Hi everyone!” Michelle Gardner, director of Office of Leadership & Engagement, said to the crowd. “We are so excited to announce that the 2024 Homecoming dedicatee is Traci Gleason!” Watch the tapping video.

Cheering continued as all eyes were on Gleason, who was obviously in a state of shock, as she was handed the flowers and a button with her face on it.

Over the last 25 years working for NAU, Gleason has served in a number of roles, including program coordinator and retention specialist for Native American Student Services, assistant director of orientation in University Admissions, director of Trio Upward Bound Math & Science and director of First-Generation Programs before settling into her current role in the Office of Inclusion: Multicultural & LGBTQIA+ Student Services. She has not, however, had the honor of serving as the Homecoming dedicatee—until now.  

Gardner (right) hands Gleason (left) flowers and dedicatee button.
Gardner (right) hands Gleason (left) flowers and dedicatee button.

The tradition dates back to 1936. Leaders of student organizations from throughout campus nominate and vote for an NAU faculty or staff member who has demonstrated exceptional service over more than 10 years and whose unwavering support of the university and students has greatly benefited the Lumberjack community. This year, Gleason was the chosen one. 

“The ‘tapping’ is one of my favorite moments in my career at NAU. The anticipation, the surprise, the look on everyone’s faces as we arrive to inform the faculty/staff member—it is unlike anything else. I get teary-eyed every time,” said Gardner, who serves as the Homecoming planning co-chair and facilitates the dedicatee nomination and tapping process each year. “There is something especially meaningful and sacred about our students identifying a single person who has dedicated their career to Lumberjack excellence. I am taken aback by how deeply this tradition resonates with the campus community as the tradition honors an individual while connecting them to many years of past dedicatees.” 

The dedicatee participates in several events throughout the week of Homecoming festivities, starting with a banquet held in their honor, serving as a judge in the annual Chili Cookoff, riding on a float in the Homecoming Parade and being recognized on the field during the Homecoming Football game. Register to attend the Oct. 15 Dedicatee Luncheon online.  

Close up of white box on table, adorned in dedicatee buttons, reads: We love you, Traci! (So here are some creampuffs) Enjoy!“I am deeply honored to be selected as this year’s dedicatee and want to thank the students, the IMQ team, my colleagues and everyone who has been a part of my journey,” Gleason said. “I wouldn’t be here today without everyone’s love and support over the years. I truly see this recognition as a reflection of all the good work carried out by my current team and the various offices and teams I’ve been a part of in my time here at NAU. It’s great to know the work we do truly makes a difference!” 

Gleason is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation and has raised four daughters on the NAU campus, including two who are former or current Lumberjacks. She looks forward to getting her family together to celebrate Homecoming. 

“I’m looking forward to spending time with students, colleagues, family and friends this Homecoming. I’m also looking forward to participating as a judge in the Chili Cookoff and being in the parade. It’s going to a fun and exciting week!” 

Gleason (center) poses with her IMQ team.
Gleason (center) poses with her IMQ team.

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Carly Banks | NAU Communications
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NAU Communications