Humans of NAU: Salvador Lopez

The Office of Leadership and Engagement team with traffic cones and vests and stop signs

When he was young, Salvador Lopez wanted to be a math teacher. Now, as an assistant director in the Office of Leadership and Engagement, he’s helping students be successful in a different way. Learn about the best part of his job, how his family heritage has shaped his goal and his aspiration to someday become Dr. Lopez.

What brought you to NAU? 

I came to NAU to attain my counseling-student affairs master’s degree. I had the opportunity to attain a graduate assistantship with Campus Living, which helped me fall more in love with supporting students throughout their college journey. I decided to stay at NAU as I was finishing my program and worked at Peer Jacks Mentoring for a couple of years. I later transitioned to the Office of Leadership and Engagement and I’m trying to become a double alumnus by getting my Ed.D. (hoping to graduate in May 2025).  

Tell me about a day in the life of your job. 

  • Arrive at the office at 6:30 a.m. to answer emails, review event requests in True Blue Connects and plan for the day 
  • Usually have 3-4 meetings a day to discuss specific topics such as events, trainings, etc. 
  • Host consultation with club officers or advisors to address concerns, share resources, etc. 
  • Plan events that are meant for all students (e.g., Lumberjack Club Fairs, Flannels & Flapjacks) 
  • Work on lots of administrative tasks (e.g., Gold Axe Award matrixing and management) 
  • Try to connect with students within our Get Involved Lounge
Salvador Lopez and a student who named his as an educator of influence.
Lopez and Gold Axe winner Isabella Hutzler, who named his as an educator of influence. Top photo: The Office of Leadership and Engagement. 

What’s your favorite aspect of your job? 

Being able to connect with different students through individual meetings or group gatherings helps me know what is going on, how I can support them and connect them through different involvement opportunities! 

How has your heritage shaped your career? 

My cultura focuses on getting to know an individual fully as a person. This has shaped my work within higher education by trying to see every individual as who they are, connect with them on different levels and ultimately create a strong bond of support and guidance. 

Tell me about a significant childhood memory and how it has impacted your life today. 

Being raised by two hardworking, humble and honest parents, it taught me to ALWAYS work hard for what I pursue in life, be kind to those that are kind to me and respectful those that aren’t.  

Salvador Lopez and his partner wearing flannel in a cornfield with their pug
Lopez and his partner with Mantequita

What did you want to be when you grew up? 

I wanted to be a high school math teacher. Even though I graduated with a B.A. in mathematics, my interest slowly transitioned to student affairs/higher education. 

What have you been most proud of recently? 

Having been an educator of influence for Gold Axe winners twice (Spring 2023 & 2024). It showcases the influence I have on some students.  

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

  • Drink a cup of coffee and watch old comedy shows (e.g., “The Golden Girls,” “The Nanny,” etc.) 
  • Go on a long-distance run while listening to a podcast or music 
  • Watch funny movies with my partner and our pug, Mantequita 

What are three things on your bucket list? 

  • Attain my doctoral degree 
  • Visit different parts of the world with family and friends 
  • Run a marathon 

If you could give every student a piece of advice, what would it be? 

Get involved! Also, don’t let other people’s perception of you alter your path 😉. 


NAU Communications