Spotlight 10-22-08

Kudos to these faculty, staff and students

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  • Two honors classes have won the NAU Service Learning Award, which recognizes outstanding service initiatives or programs that extend students’ academic preparation through meaningful community service activities. In the winning class Honors 100, Flagstaff as Text: Community Connections, students were placed into small groups to observe people, businesses and activities taking place in the community and then write about them. The other winner, Honors 191, Community Connections, had students participate in five different community exercises designed to connect them to the Flagstaff community. Both classes were instructed by Glenn Hansen, honors program coordinator.
  • Peter Friederici, assistant professor in the School of Communication, received an award from the Society of Environmental Journalists. He was awarded second place in its Outstanding Small Marketing Reporting, Print category at the society’s annual awards ceremony. The award is for “Facing the Yuck Factor,” a detailed exploration of wastewater recycling that the High Country News published in its Sept. 17, 2007, issue.
  • Mark James, an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, had his paper, “Novel optical properties of a submerged light bulb” featured as the cover article in the Sept. issue of the American Journal of Physics. The article explores interesting optical effects that can be observed when an ordinary light bulb is submerged in water.
  • Richard A. Parker, professor of speech communication, authored 25 entries analyzing issues and cases relevant to freedom of expression in the two-volume Encyclopedia of the First Amendment, published in September by Congressional Quarterly Press.
  • Lori Hare, professional development associate for the Center for Science Teaching and Learning, received a 2008 Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award from the National Council for Geographic Education at its national conference. The award was to recognize and support excellence in geography teaching and honor teachers who have displayed continued dedication to geographic education.