Sessions help employees address economic downturn

The current economic downturn may have faculty and staff worried about retirement savings or just feeling anxious in general.

From adversity to resiliencyRepresentatives from Employee Assistance will present a workshop titled “Getting Rooted During Uncertain Times, from noon to 1:15 pm. Dec. 3 in the University Union, Havasupai rooms A and B.

Workshop participants will explore the process of moving from adversity to resiliency.

Presenters include EAW director Betsy Kerr, psychologist Stan Clark and counselor Suzanne Botello.

Human Resources and Employee Assistance and Wellness are sponsoring several sessions for faculty and staff to address issues regarding retirement savings and how to deal emotionally with the economic downturn.

Representatives from TIAA-CREF, VALIC, Fidelity and Nationwide will participate in a panel discussion to address the impact of the current economic challenges. They will share steps their companies are taking to navigate these challenges and answer questions about the optional retirement plans, investing in supplemental retirement savings and other options to think about during challenging times.

To register for one of the following sessions, e-mail with your name, contact information and which date and time you would like to attend.

  • Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1 to 2: 15 p.m., Kaibab Room, University Union, building 30
  • Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2:45 to 4 p.m., Adel Math, room 137, building 26. This session will be offered via ITV.

Employees at distant sites must register for the ITV session by Thursday, Oct. 30, and request that the event is broadcast at their site.

Retirement representatives will be on hand before and after the session to meet with individual employees. To find out about the options for those meetings visit: Vendor Meetings.

Human Resources representatives are working with Arizona State Retirement to schedule a similar session.