NAU’s Research and Creative Activity Awards

Most Promising Undergraduate Researcher:

Karlie Knudtsen
Dual major, bachelor of arts in religious studies and philosophy (August 2009)

Stephanie Wolff
Bachelor of science in biology, with a minor in chemistry (May 2009)

Most Promising Graduate Researcher:

Jared Hopkins 
Pre-doctoral master of arts program, Department of Psychology

Katrina Taylor 
Doctoral program, Department of Politics and International Affairs

Most Promising New Scholar:

Ann Huffman 
Assistant professor, Department of Psychology

David Wagner 
Assistant professor of biological sciences

Honorable Mention:

Luis Fernandez 
Assistant professor, criminology and criminal justice

Stephanie Hurst
Assistant professor, chemistry and biochemistry

Most Effective Research Mentor:

Thomas Alcoze 
Professor, School of Forestry

Susan Deeds 
Professor, Department of History

Larry Stevens 
Professor, Department of Psychology

Most Significant Creative or Artistic Work:

Monica Brown
Associate professor, Department of English, for her bilingual book, My Name is Gabito/Mi Llamo Gabito (2007, Rising Moon)

Paula Rice
Professor, School of Art (ceramics), for her series of ceramic figures, “The Planet Series”

Most Significant Scholarly Work:

Paul Dutton
Professor, Department of History, for his book,
Differential Diagnoses: A Comparative History of the Health Care Problems and Solutions in the United States and France, (2007, Cornell University Press)

David Schlosberg
Professor, Department of Politics and International Affairs, for his book, Defining Environmental Justice: Theories, Movements, and Nature (2007, Oxford University Press)

Thomas Whitham
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, for his published research (with six co-authors, five with current or past NAU affiliations), Extending Genomics to Natural Communities and Ecosystems, 2008,Science (320 (5875): 492-495)

Honorable Mention:

Steven Barger
Associate professor, Department of Psychology, for his published research (with one coauthor), Hypertension Labeling Was Associated with Poorer Self-rated Health in the Third US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2006, Journal of Human Hypertension 920:117-123) (and one co-author)

Kristen Swanson
Professor, School of Communication, for her published research, Travel Motivations as Souvenir Purchase Indicators, 2006, Tourism Management (27:671-683)