Join NAU in our inaugural Giving Day on May 1

Hands make heart shape around NAU letters

NAU is holding its inaugural Giving Day on May 1—the anniversary of the day Arizona State College officially became Northern Arizona University.

The campaign is an opportunity for Lumberjacks in Flagstaff and throughout the world to celebrate their university. Students, alumni and family are encouraged to wear their Lumberjack gear, donate to their favorite NAU area and share their Lumberjack love on social media with #NAUGivingDay.

“On NAU’s inaugural Giving Day, the Lumberjack family will come together in a 24-hour celebration of the Lumberjack spirit of generosity,” said Rickey McCurry, vice president of development and alumni engagement. “It takes every one of us to do our part and take action for our university. In just one day, we can make an impact for students that will last all year long. We are stronger together!”

Donors can choose to donate to the programs most in need of support or pick the program that matters most to them—from scholarships to the Honors College, support for NAU employees returning to school, to travel funds and emergency loans, Native American student development and more. Explore the available funds at

About half of all donations to NAU are less than $100, and every dollar helps further NAU’s mission. Curious what impact donations from people like you have had at NAU?

  • Facility Services funds a committee that plans team-building events, recognizes employees who excel and supports employees during difficult times.
  • A longtime professor and a supporter of wildlife preservation donated funds to help biology students have a once-in-a-lifetime educational experience on an African preserve.
  • The Santa’s Sleigh Fund offers a one-time monetary boost to employees in need.
  • Construction companies donate money and expertise to help construction managers prepare for and attend regional competitions every year.
  • Dozens of small-dollar donations help keep Louie’s Cupboard stocked, which helps feed students who struggle with food instability.
  • Two alumni donated money to the astronomy department to build an infrared camera that captures pictures of asteroids; it is 20-50 times less expensive than regular infrared cameras.

A number of donors have committed to magnifying impact across the university. Visit for more information about how to double your gift for your favorite causes at NAU.

NAU Communications